If there is one thing that I can’t hide is a late night party face. One of my friends got married last Saturday and the celebration continued for hours. The next morning I tried my best to bring life back to my face for another event using makeup wisely.
Si hay algo que no puedo ocultar es la cara de fiesta hasta tarde. Una de mis amigas se casó este sábado y la celebración continuó por horas. La mañana siguiente traté lo mejor para traerle vida de vuelta a mi rostro para otro evento usando el maquillaje de forma inteligente.
Let’s be honest, a lot of partying includes a couple of alcoholic drinks. No matter how little I drink, my skin will dry out the next morning for sure. I sticked to cream products and left powder aside because I really needed hydration. I wanted to look as if I wasn’t wearing any makeup so I picked tones that look similar to my natural self, just adding a bit of definition to the eyes with one darker shade.
I was also having a bit of irritation (which had never happened) from a laser hair removal appointment that I had a day before the event. I thought that it was the perfect chance to try Lisa Eldridge’s pin-point concealing technique, giving me full coverage without caking up the face. As of eye concealing, mine still look tired but the darkness was really covered. I didn’t have much time that morning but I normally put cold tea bags under my eyes to relieve puffiness.
Seamos honestos, mucha fiesta incluye algo de bebidas alcohólicas. No importa qué tan poco tome, mi piel siempre se resecará la mañana siguiente sin dudas. Me apegué a productos cremosos y dejé el polvo de un lado ya que realmente necesitaba hidratación. Me quería ver como si no estuviera usando maquillaje por lo que elegí tonos similares a mi ser natural, sólo agregando un poco de definición a los ojos con un tono más obscuro.
También tenía algo de irritación (la cual nunca me pasa) por una cita de eliminación de vello con láser. Pensé que esta sería la oportunidad perfecta para intentar la técnica de corrección pin-point de Lisa Eldridge, dándome gran cobertura sin empastar la cara. De corrección en los ojos, los míos aún se ven cansados aunque cubrí bien las bolsas. No tenía mucho tiempo esa mañana pero normalmente me aplico bolsas de té frías para aliviar lo hinchado.
– Benefit Hello Flawless Foundation.
– Maybelline Instant Age Rewind Concealer.
– 3 Concept Eyes Cream Blusher in Baby Peach.
– Sephora Collection Perfect Cover Concealer.
– NYX Eyebrow Cake Powder.
– Rimmel Scandaleyes Eyeshadow Stick in Bulletproof Beige (all over eyes/en todo el ojo).
– Rimmel Scandaleyes Eyeshadow Stick in Bad Girl Bronze (outer edges and waterline/orillas externas y dentro del ojo).
– Revlon Photoready 3D Volume Mascara.
– Clinique Pop Lip Color + Primer in Melon Pop.
You makeup really looks gorgeous and I see no puffiness unlike me lol panda eyes galore!
Very fresh and glowing, you look like you've had your eight hours sleep! 🙂
Thanks for sharing dear. You look great . xx
Girl if this is you after a night of partying I'll just hide my head in shame haha but seriously you look amazing (good thing I don't get to party very often as it's not a pretty sight the next day). I love how soft & natural your eye makeup is x
Beauty with charm
This is the face after makeup of course, imagine it 100 times worse haha! Thank you Alina, you're so lovely <3 X
Thanks Nina! Xx
I'm I don't look as crappy as I was feeling haha. Thank you babe X
Hate panda eyes! You should try the tea bag trick, it really helps a lot. Thanks Candice! X
Welcome 🙂
I hate the feeling of dry skin day after a party with alcohol – I have recently limited alcohol because of that and honestly, I don't really miss it!
Have a great day!
Anna x
Pattern Of Taste | Our Youtube channel
You look great! Can't tell that you were up partying
Made in Mauve // Bloglovin
You look amazing. Wish I could look that good after a night of fun. The no makeup makeup looks is super pretty. :]
// ▲ itsCarmen.com ▲
You are so right about how skin shows so quickly how late we went to bed. Also I notice alcohol consumption really shows up on skin the most. I try to drink ton of water before going to bed if I went out.
Pin point concealing from Lisa Eldridge is the best thing that happened to my make-up routine. I am obsess with her at the moment. Xx
Haha I agree! x
To rescue my skin the next day I make sure I remove my makeup properly and put on a oil to keep in hydrated as well as amp up the moisteriser! Lovely look babe.
Hanh x | hanhabelle
Love this look. I can't drink alcohol (I have an intolerance) so I'm lucky as I never have to deal with my complexion and a hangover. But I've had one too many late nights and days where I wake up to less then stellar skin. I find using a highly moisturizing cream, using a hydrating mask, and drinking tons of water to be the best option.
Katherine || The Green Bows
I have to battle mostly with the dry skin, those are great tips Katherine, thanks! X
Thank you Hanh! The worst part is getting home wanting to sleep right away instead of taking time to remove the makeup haha, but it's definitely worth it. X
Isn't she the best? I've been doing it every day and I love how natural it looks <3 x
It does dry out the skin, right? I've noticed that drinking a glass of water in between alcoholic beverages helps to avoid dehydration and hangovers haha 🙂 X
I'm sure you do, gorgeous. Thank you!!
Thank you so much babe! X
You're right, health is much more important. Specially if it makes us look/feel bad 🙂 X
Your makeup looks are always beautiful, no matter how simple they are. I love the Rimmel eyeshadow sticks. x
Renata | Speaking Beauty UK
You're always so sweet Renata! So glad you like them 🙂 x