If someone told me that I had to choose only one makeup product to wear for the rest of my life (believe me, I really thought about it while writing this sentence) it would be concealer. Just a few dabs on the face or problem areas and you already look alive. Today I’ll share with you my rather small collection, along with the use I give to each one of them.
Si alguien me dijera que tuviera que elegir sólo un producto para maquillarme para toda la vida (créanme, lo pensé bastante mientras escribía este enunciado) sería corrector. Sólo unos toques en el rostro o en áreas de problema y ya te ves viva. Hoy les voy a compartir mi pequeña colección, junto con el uso que le doy a cada uno de ellos.
Maybelline FIT ME Concealer:
I used to be quite obsessed with this product, putting it under my eyes and areas of redness. The coverage is really nice and creamy enough to glide under my eyes without looking cakey. It’s a double win for me.
Solía estar obsesionada con este producto, poniéndolo debajo de mis ojos y en áreas de enrojecimiento. La cobertura es muy buena y lo suficientemente cremosa para deslizarse debajo de mis ojos sin verse pastosa. Es un doble triunfo para mí.
Maybelline Instant Age Rewind Eraser:
I’ve repurchased this one a few times and I never get tired of it. Even though it’s a very light formula it really brings light to the under eye area and even covers up a bit my blemishes. The one in the picture is a new one but I recommend getting rid of the sponge because you can control better the amount of product you want and even built it up in a small area.
He vuelto a comprar este algunas veces y jamás me canso de él. A pesar de tener una fórmula muy ligera, le trae mucha luz a la parte de abajo de los ojos e incluso cubre un poco mis imperfecciones. El de esta foto es uno nuevo pero yo recomendaría deshacerse de la esponja, ya que puedes controlar de mejor manera la cantidad de producto que quieres usar e incluso aplicarlo en capas en áreas pequeñas.
Sephora Collection 8HR Perfect Cover Concealer :
After watching Lisa Eldridge’s pin point concealing videos, I knew that I needed a slightly cakey product that would stay put and be easy to blend with the warmth of a finger —exact description of what this concealer does. I don’t like this one for my bags because its a little to dry for that area.
Después de ver muchos videos de Lisa Eldridge, supe que necesitaba un producto poquito pastoso que se quedara donde lo ponga y que pudiera difuminarlo fácilmente con la calidez de un dedo —descripción exacta de lo que hace este corrector. No me gusta usarlo para las bolsas ya que es un poco seco para esa área.
MAC Pro Longwear Concealer:
Just what the name says, really long wearing and great for covering up. I very rarely wear this one because it gives a very heavy/perfect finish (which I never go for on daily looks). It works great for under the eyes and blemishes, I even wear it as a primer from time to time because of its longwear formula.
Justo lo que el nombre dice, muy duradero y bueno para cubrir. Muy rara vez lo uso porque deja un acabado muy perfecto/pesado (a lo cual nunca voy en looks de diario). Funciona muy bien debajo de los ojos y en imperfecciones, incluso de vez en cuando lo uso como primer por su fórmula duradera.
Clinique All About Eyes Concealer:
This product is quite lightweight and very pigmented. As the name suggests, it’s an under eye concealer, it relieves puffiness and erases dark circles. However, I like to use it to cover up old blemishes that leave the skin dull or dark, taking advantage of that illuminating property.
Este producto es muy ligero pero bastante pigmentado. Como el nombre lo sugiere, es un corrector para los ojos, alivia lo hinchado y borra las bolsas. De todos modos, me gusta usarlo para cubrir imperfecciones viejas que dejaron marcas, tomando ventaja de esa propiedad de iluminar.
Which ones do you love for a naturally flawless face?
¿Cuáles te gustan a ti para un rostro naturalmente perfecto?
For my one makeup product I'd have a hard time between choosing concealer or mascara. Recently I have been using concealer a lot and skipping on foundation all together. These are all really great options but I've only tried the MAC Pro Longwear one which is a favourite of mine. Need to buy the Maybelline Eraser one next x
Beauty with charm
I enjoy using the Maybelline Eraser too, I can never seem to find the Fit Me concealer in store though to try! My other favs at the moment is the Bobbi Brown corrector and concealer, which is great for sorting out my dark circles!
Hanh x | hanhabelle
I've been using the Amazing Cosmetics concealer and it's really good! But I don't quite like how it sits in my fine lines sometimes. My problem area is definitely dark circles… is the Clinique one any good? Xx
Shaqinah || Shoes & Roses
I've never tried the Sephora one, but I definitely want to! Both Maybelline ones I use and love, but I find that they require a lot of skin prep for them not to look dry and cakey. But for the price, it's worth it!
I recently tried the Bobbi Brown Creamy Concealer and it is out of this world! I would highly highly recommend it.
Lissy, lissyhayes.co.uk
The last one sounds like the one for me. I'll need it on the days I don;t get sleep. Great review, thanks for sharing.
The Maybelline concealer is my favourite, I wear it almost every day 🙂 the Mac one is really good too although it's true that it's a bit too heavy for daily looks! Lovely post. x
I use the Collection Lasting Perfection concealer and I love it, but I have heard so many good things about the Maybelline concealer so I really want to try that too(:
I really wish we had the age rewind in South Africa I definitely would want to try that – lovely post
Hola! ¿Qué numero usas del Fitme de Maybelline? Todo el mundo habla muy bien de ese corrector y creo que lo voy a comprar 🙂 También tengo el Eraser pero no me acaba de convencer la esponjita Gracias!!!
Hola linda! Uso el número 20, Sand Sable. Yo le quito la esponja a mi Eraser, siento que así desperdicia mucho producto y no se aplica bien, intenta eso y me dices qué opinas 🙂 xx
Thank you dear, hope you'll be able to find it online, perhaps? x
I've heard so many great things about the Collection Lasting Perfection too. We don't have it in México so I'm not sure if I'll give it a try soon X
Maybelline does great concealers, right? Thank you Alexandra Xx
You should try it, I like to wear it when I'm super tired too. Thank you Rachel! X
That's definitely on my wish list!!! 🙂 xx
You're right, the Eraser tends to cling to dry patches, specially around my nose. Xx
It's amazing, it's really liquidy but it sets very fast so I don't worry about it sitting on my lines either 🙂 x
I never seem to find the Fit Me in stock either! I'm trying not to use mine so that I don't run out of it before I have a backup haha. A Bobbi Brown concealer is top on my wish list at the moment. X
You'll love the Eraser, although it has much less coverage than MAC Pro Longwear which I know you love 🙂 xx
Thanks for sharing! 🙂
Love both Maybelline concealers. The Mac one is also incredible but sadly creases on me like crazy. Have you tried the Clarins one? So good! I want to try the Urban Decay next. I've got bad dark circles so I'm always on the lookout for good ones. x
Renata | Speaking Beauty UK
I love the Maybelline Instant Age Eraser and I do agree that it works a lot better without the sponge. Xx
I've never tried Maybelline's concealers before, but they great! I must give them a try~ You should try NARS concealers they are pricey, but so worth it!
She Will Be
<3 Xx
I was actually supposed to get the Clarins one before but it was out of stock and I ended up with this one from Clinique haha. I've heard great things about the UD too! x
Removing the sponge definitely saves up product 🙂 x
I'm definitely eyeing Nars concealers and foundations! xx
Mi producto de uso diario es el Eraser de Maybelline y es indispensable para mi! Tengo siempre muchas ojeras porque tengo mucha pigmentación en la zona de los ojos y este corrector me ayuda muchísimo! Pero me has dejado con ganas de probar el de Clinique y el de Sephora 🙂
El de Clinique es buenísimo, últimamente lo he usado más seguido con las desveladas. Te lo recomiendo mucho 🙂 x
MAC prolong wear is my HG!
It's a great product 🙂 x